Familize yourself with the directions aead of time.
The test does not require you to memorizeformullas.cmonlyused formulas are provided in the test book at the beginning of each mathematicas選擇isup to you to decide which formula is applet。
Read the problemcarefully.Notekey words that tell you what the problem isasking.Askyourself the follwing questions before you solive eachproblem:What isthe question asking?What do I know?
With some probles、it may be useful to draw a sktch or diagram of the given information.
Use the test book forscratch work.Youare not expected to do all the reasoning and figring in yourhead.Youwill not receive credit for anything written in the book let,but you will be able to check your work easity later.
Decide when to use a calculator.
For multip-chece questions,you may want to refer to the answer checes before you determine your answer.
Eliminatecheces.Ifyou don't know the corect answer to a question,try some of thecheces.It's sometimes easure to find the wrong answers than the corectone.onsome questions,you can eliminate all the incorect checes.
Make sure your answer is a reasonable answer to the questionasked.Thisis especially true for student-producted reponse questions where的answer chocices given。
All figres are drawn to scale unless others wise indicated.